Mohnish Pabrai Portfolio

Dalal Street LLC Holdings

Mohnish Pabrai is an investor who has a net worth of $120 million. He was born in 1964 in India and did his degree at Clemson University. Mohnish founded Pabrai Investment Funds in 1999. His portfolio narrative consists of understanding what it takes to make wise investments by studying data carefully before making decisions.
Mohnish Pabrai's investment portfolio showcases a focus on the coal industry with top stock holdings including Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc, Warrior Met Coal Inc, and Arch Resources Inc - Ordinary Shares - Class A. These companies underscore Pabrai's strategy of investing in undervalued securities poised for potential growth, backed by their resources in metallurgical coal essential for steel production. Positioned as significant players within the coal sector, these stocks reflect his penchant for commodity-based investments.
Further diversifying his portfolio, Pabrai holds shares in Consol Energy Inc, another energy-centric investment with a broad base in mining and natural gas operations. This selection hints at his confidence in the energy sector's resilience and long-term profitability, particularly for investors seeking exposure to traditional energy sources.
Completing the top five is an investment in Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., indicating Pabrai's appreciation for financial services giants with robust investment banking and management arms. The inclusion of such a prominent firm highlights a strategic balance between the raw materials sector and high finance, positioning the portfolio to capitalize on varied economic cycles.
Through these carefully selected positions, Mohnish Pabrai’s equity allocations reveal an inclination towards industries which have historically served as economic foundations, reflecting his risk-adjusted value-driven approach to accumulation and capital growth in the realm of publically traded stocks.

$216 Million Total portoflio value
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Average Buy Price The buy price is calculated from the weighted average of all purchases since the last sell-out of the investor. In case the buy price of a purchase wasn't reported, the average price during the reported period is taken.
Current Price
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Mohnish Pabrai FAQ

His net worth is $120 million.

The Dhandho Investor: The Low - Risk Value Method to High Returns.

Mohnish Pabrai is a big fan of Warren Buffett. Thus, their investment style is very similar. He is a fan of value investing.

In 1991, he founded his IT consulting company TransTech, Inc.

In 2008 Mohnish Pabrai and his friend Guy Spier bided 650,100 USD for a charity dinner with Warren Buffett.

In 2005, Pabrai and his wife Harina Kapoor founded the Dakshana Foundation, which is dedicated to the education of socially disadvantaged people in India. Every year, 2% of their fortune goes to the foundation.

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