Boost Your Portfolio with Stock Picks

  • Checkmark Follow the collective wisdom of leading investors
  • Checkmark Top 5 stocks to buy each quarter
  • Checkmark Outperformed the market by on average 10% per year
  • Checkmark $10k invested 10 years ago would be worth $60k now
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Leverage top investors investment research

We automatically analyze the trades of renowned US investors, ensuring that every stock pick is backed by thorough, data-driven research by not only one but many investors.

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Easy to follow strategy

Every quarter, we release 5 new stock picks based on the latest trades of the top investors. This makes it easy to follow the Stockcircle stock picks strategy.

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Benefit from compound interest

If you had invested $10,000 in Stockcircle stock picks 10 years ago, it would be worth about six times its value now, compared to just three times with the S&P 500.

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Outperform the S&P 500

With Stock Picks, outperforming the market is simple. Purchase the 5 stock picks each quarter and hold them for a year to target an average return of +22% per year.

Disclaimer: Past performance doesn't predict future performance. Read more