Guy Spier Portfolio

Aquamarine Capital Holdings

Guy Spier is a Zurich-based investor who has made his name in the world of finance. He was featured on an international level when he met Warren Buffett back in 2008 for a charity lunch. He founded the Aquamarine Fund. He is the author of the book "The Education of a Value Investor".
Guy Spier, a noted value investor, prominently features Berkshire Hathaway Inc. - Class B shares as a cornerstone of his investment portfolio, valuing its diversified holdings managed by Warren Buffett. American Express Co., another Spier preference, stands out for its robust payment network and established brand in financial services. Ferrari N.V. adds luxury automotive flair to his stock collection, renowned for exclusivity and strong brand loyalty. Mastercard Incorporated - Class A is included for its global reach within the digital payments arena, benefiting from cashless transaction trends. Lastly, Bank Of America Corp. rounds out the top five with its significant banking operations and solid position within the U.S. financial sector. These investments reflect Guy Spier's strategic emphasis on durable businesses with competitive moats, echoing a long-term value investing ethos.

$304 Million Total portoflio value
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Average Buy Price The buy price is calculated from the weighted average of all purchases since the last sell-out of the investor. In case the buy price of a purchase wasn't reported, the average price during the reported period is taken.
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