Third Avenue Management Portfolio

Third Avenue Management LLC Holdings

Third Avenue Management's investment portfolio prominently features Warrior Met Coal Inc, a leading producer and exporter of metallurgical coal for the global steel industry. Tidewater Inc., which offers essential offshore service vessels to the energy industry, stands as another significant holding, reflecting the firm's interest in marine support services. Exposure to the banking sector is evidenced through Deutsche Bank AG, a major multinational financial services company, aligning with Third Avenue's diversified stock investments approach. Also included is Valaris Ltd, an offshore drilling contractor that provides jackup rigs, drillships, and semisubmersible rigs for oil and gas operations, demonstrating the firm's confidence in the energy extraction industry. Rounding off the top five holdings is Old Republic International Corp, an established insurer offering property and liability insurance coverage, illustrating Third Avenue’s stake in stable, financially sound companies.
Each of these stocks represents Third Avenue Management's strategic positioning within its portfolio across various sectors such as energy production, finance, and insurance markets. Savvy investors looking into Third Avenue Management may see these key investments as indicative of their balanced, potentially resilient market approach.

$532 Million Total portoflio value
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Average Buy Price The buy price is calculated from the weighted average of all purchases since the last sell-out of the investor. In case the buy price of a purchase wasn't reported, the average price during the reported period is taken.
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