American Coastal Insurance Corp

American Coastal Insurance Corp


Market Cap$343.27M

Compare to Similar Companies

P/E RatioDividendsReturn on EquityPrice-to-SalesDebt-to-Equity
American Coastal Insurance CorpAmerican Coastal Insurance Corp-10.24.05%-298%0.93.6

Current Fair Value

62.3% upside

Undervalued by 62.3% based on the discounted cash flow analysis.

Share Statistics

Market cap$343.27 Million
Enterprise Value$699.04 Million
Dividend Yield$2.3 (4.04858299595142%)
Earnings per Share$0.01
Outstanding Shares43,229,416


Return on Equity-
Return on Assets-
Return on Invested Capital-

Valuation & Multiples

P/E Ratio-10.17
Price to Sales0.88
Price to Book Ratio3.97
Enterprise Value to Revenue1.66
Enterprise Value to EBIT-13.58
Enterprise Value to Net Income-3
Total Debt to Enterprise0.55
Debt to Equity3.6

Revenue Sources

No data

Insider Trades

ESG Score

No data

About United Insurance Holdings Corp

CEO: John Forney