Overvalued by 83.3% based on the discounted cash flow analysis.
Market cap | $11.56 Billion |
Enterprise Value | $12.15 Billion |
Dividend Yield | $0.0 (0.0%) |
Earnings per Share | $0.59 |
Beta | 1.51 |
Outstanding Shares | 101,715,185 |
Return on Equity | - |
Return on Assets | - |
Return on Invested Capital | - |
P/E Ratio | 187.26 |
PEG | 12633.9 |
Price to Sales | 6.27 |
Price to Book Ratio | 10.75 |
Enterprise Value to Revenue | 9.2 |
Enterprise Value to EBIT | -106.58 |
Enterprise Value to Net Income | 199 |
Total Debt to Enterprise | 0.1 |
Debt to Equity | 1.57 |
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Elastic is a search company built on a free and open heritage. Anyone can use Elastic products and solutions to get started quickly and frictionlessly. Elastic offers three solutions for enterprise search, observability, and security, bu...