Alignment Healthcare Inc

Alignment Healthcare Inc


Market Cap$2.62B

Compare to Similar Companies

P/E RatioDividendsReturn on EquityPrice-to-SalesDebt-to-Equity
Alignment Healthcare IncAlignment Healthcare Inc-18.2--126%1.11.7

Current Fair Value

185.2% downside

Overvalued by 185.2% based on the discounted cash flow analysis.

Share Statistics

Market cap$2.62 Billion
Enterprise Value$2.48 Billion
Dividend Yield$0 (0%)
Earnings per Share$-0.79
Outstanding Shares191,361,283


Return on Equity-
Return on Assets-
Return on Invested Capital-

Valuation & Multiples

P/E Ratio-18.16
Price to Sales1.14
Price to Book Ratio-
Enterprise Value to Revenue1
Enterprise Value to EBIT-20.52
Enterprise Value to Net Income-18
Total Debt to Enterprise0.08
Debt to Equity1.7

Revenue Sources

No data

Insider Trades

ESG Score

No data

About Alignment Healthcare Inc

775 employees

Alignment Healthcare is a consumer-centric platform delivering customized health care in the United States to seniors and those who need it most, the chronically ill and frail, through its Medicare Advantage plans. Alignment Healthcare p...