Beta indicates the volatility of a stock compared to the market. Higher beta means more volatile and thus potentially higher risk and return.

Ratio of dividends in the last 12 months to current share price.

Ratio between share price and earnings per share. A low ratio could indicate that the stock is undervalued or investors aren't expecting high growth. A high ratio could indicate that the stock is overvalued or investors are expecting high growth.

Revenue increase compared to the same quarter one year ago.

Net income increase compared to the same quarter one year ago.

Profitability of the last quarter.

A higher ratio indicates a higher risk. However, the ratio is difficult to compare between industries where common amounts of debt vary.

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Market Cap Beta Dividends Ratio of dividends in the last 12 months to current share price P/E Ratio Revenue Revenue of the last quarter YoY Change Net income Net income of the last quarter YoY Change Profit margin Profit margin of the last quarter

Apple Inc

AAPL - Manufacturing
$3.67 Trillion 1.2 0.4% 38.4 $124 Billion +4.0% $36.3 Billion +7.1% +29.2%


NVDA - Manufacturing
$3.4 Trillion 1.7 0.0% 54.0 $35.1 Billion +93.6% $19.3 Billion +108.9% +55.0%

Microsoft Corporation

MSFT - Information
$3.04 Trillion 0.9 0.6% 32.7 $65.6 Billion +16.0% $24.7 Billion +10.7% +37.6% Inc.

AMZN - Retail Trade
$2.42 Trillion 1.1 0.0% 40.7 $188 Billion +10.5% $20 Billion +88.3% +10.7%

Alphabet Inc - Ordinary Shares - Class C

GOOG - Information
$2.27 Trillion 1.0 0.3% 22.6 $96.5 Billion +11.8% $26.5 Billion +28.3% +27.5%