Current Value of Holding

$320 Million


1.86 Million

% of Portfolio


Average Buy Price


Avg closing price
Price range

15 Tiger Global Qualcomm Trades

Tiger Global's position in Qualcomm is currently worth $320 Million. That's 1.20% of their equity portfolio (20th largest holding). The first Qualcomm trade was made in Q4 2006. Since then Tiger Global bought shares seven more times and sold shares on seven occasions. The investor's estimated purchase price is $351 Million, resulting in a loss of 8.8%.

Avg closing price
Price range
New holding (+1.86 Million shares) Q2 2024
Avg closing price $188.89
Price range $157.63 - $227.09
Sold -1.4 Million shares Q3 2013
Avg closing price $65.48
Price range $59.39 - $70.09
New holding (+1.4 Million shares) Q2 2013
Avg closing price $63.80
Price range $59.88 - $67.28
Sold -28.3 Thousand shares Q1 2010
Avg closing price $41.78
Price range $35.56 - $49.47
Sold 98.4% shares (-1.7 Million shares) Q4 2009
Avg closing price $43.84
Price range $40.68 - $46.86
Increased shares by 22.2% (+315 Thousand shares) Q3 2009
Avg closing price $45.85
Price range $43.06 - $48.45
Sold 5.0% shares (-75 Thousand shares) Q2 2009
Avg closing price $42.86
Price range $39.36 - $46.34
Sold 63.4% shares (-2.59 Million shares) Q1 2009
Avg closing price $35.63
Price range $32.78 - $39.54
Increased shares by 34.4% (+1.04 Million shares) Q3 2008
Avg closing price $49.93
Price range $39.88 - $56.37
Increased shares by 10.2% (+280 Thousand shares) Q1 2008
Avg closing price $40.27
Price range $35.99 - $43.79
Increased shares by 231.1% (+1.92 Million shares) Q4 2007
Avg closing price $40.71
Price range $37.29 - $43.36
Sold 34.0% shares (-428 Thousand shares) Q3 2007
Avg closing price $40.68
Price range $36.09 - $45.35
Increased shares by 59.5% (+470 Thousand shares) Q2 2007
Avg closing price $43.47
Price range $41.02 - $46.38
Sold 21.0% shares (-210 Thousand shares) Q1 2007
Avg closing price $40.08
Price range $37.15 - $43.73
New holding (+1 Million shares) Q4 2006
Avg closing price $37.79
Price range $37.79 - $37.79

News about Qualcomm, Inc. and Tiger Global

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