Ray Dalio's position in Intuitive Surgical is currently worth $50.9 Million. That's 0.27% of their equity portfolio (67th largest holding). The first Intuitive Surgical trade was made in Q1 2007. Since then Ray Dalio bought shares 29 more times and sold shares on 23 occasions. The stake costed the investor $27.4 Million, netting the investor a gain of 85% so far.
We recently compiled a list of the 10 Best Growth Stocks To Buy Now According To Billionaire Ray Dalio. In this article, we are going to take a look at where...
Insider Monkey, 3 months agoAt its core, the concept of acquiring Ray Dalio stocks is akin to the reason people buy securities that Warren Buffett owns : it comes down to investing with...
InvestorPlace, about 1 year ago