Current Value of Holding

$929 Thousand


103 Thousand

% of Portfolio


Average Buy Price


Avg closing price
Price range

35 Ken Griffin Teladoc Health Trades

Ken Griffin acquired 103 Thousand Teladoc Health shares worth $929 Thousand. That's 0.00% of their equity portfolio (2827th largest holding). The first Teladoc Health trade was made in Q2 2015. Since then Ken Griffin bought shares 54 more times and sold shares on 42 occasions. The investor's estimated purchase price is $7.62 Million, resulting in a loss of 88%.

Avg closing price
Price range
Sold 89.6% shares (-881 Thousand shares) Q2 2024
Avg closing price $12.20
Price range $9.65 - $15.06
Increased shares by 8.5% (+77.1 Thousand shares) Q1 2024
Avg closing price $18.15
Price range $14.39 - $22.03
Increased shares by 25.0% (+181 Thousand shares) Q4 2023
Avg closing price $18.45
Price range $15.57 - $22.10
Increased shares by 362.4% (+569 Thousand shares) Q3 2023
Avg closing price $23.34
Price range $18.53 - $29.77
Sold 92.2% shares (-1.87 Million shares) Q2 2023
Avg closing price $25.17
Price range $22.42 - $28.17
Increased shares by 54.7% (+716 Thousand shares) Q1 2023
Avg closing price $26.76
Price range $22.29 - $33.20
Increased shares by 31.9% (+316 Thousand shares) Q4 2022
Avg closing price $26.96
Price range $22.83 - $33.31
Sold 5.1% shares (-53.7 Thousand shares) Q3 2022
Avg closing price $35.08
Price range $25.35 - $43.66
Increased shares by 240.0% (+738 Thousand shares) Q2 2022
Avg closing price $42.47
Price range $28.63 - $75.86
Sold 50.1% shares (-309 Thousand shares) Q1 2022
Avg closing price $72.04
Price range $50.79 - $95.08
Sold 48.0% shares (-569 Thousand shares) Q4 2021
Avg closing price $119.52
Price range $87.43 - $154.29
Increased shares by 45.8% (+372 Thousand shares) Q3 2021
Avg closing price $145.59
Price range $125.92 - $164.64
Increased shares by 36.4% (+217 Thousand shares) Q2 2021
Avg closing price $162.03
Price range $132.71 - $192.38
Increased shares by 95.5% (+291 Thousand shares) Q1 2021
Avg closing price $231.95
Price range $171.30 - $294.54
Increased shares by 167.1% (+191 Thousand shares) Q3 2020
Avg closing price $211.77
Price range $183.75 - $249.42
Sold 54.2% shares (-135 Thousand shares) Q2 2020
Avg closing price $175.25
Price range $139.10 - $204.94
Increased shares by 121.8% (+137 Thousand shares) Q1 2020
Avg closing price $116.34
Price range $82.96 - $167.44
Increased shares by 10.0% (+10.2 Thousand shares) Q4 2019
Avg closing price $76.10
Price range $61.54 - $85.88
Sold 50.8% shares (-106 Thousand shares) Q3 2019
Avg closing price $65.81
Price range $55.30 - $72.20
Sold 18.2% shares (-46.3 Thousand shares) Q2 2019
Avg closing price $58.28
Price range $49.86 - $66.41

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