Current Value of Holding

$60.4 Million


4.82 Million

% of Portfolio


Average Buy Price


Avg closing price
Price range

2 Carl Icahn Sandridge Energy Trades

Carl Icahn's position in Sandridge Energy is currently worth $60.4 Million. That's 0.75% of their equity portfolio (11th largest holding). The investor owns 13.35% of the outstanding Sandridge Energy stock. Carl Icahn acquired their 4.82 Million shares in 2017. So far they never sold any shares in the company. The investor's estimated purchase price is $79.5 Million, resulting in a loss of 24%.

Avg closing price
Price range
Increased shares by 8.8% (+388 Thousand shares) Q4 2017
Avg closing price $18.63
Price range $16.00 - $21.07
New holding (+4.43 Million shares) Nov 20, 2017
Avg closing price $16.30
Price range $16.30 - $16.30

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