Carl Icahn's position in Icahn Enterprises L P - Unit is currently worth $4.47 Billion. It makes up 55.79% of their stock portfolio and is their biggest holding. The investor owns 89.44% of the outstanding Icahn Enterprises L P - Unit stock. The investor's estimated purchase price is $19.9 Billion, resulting in a loss of 77%.
Icahn Enterprises (IEP) has shared an announcement. Carl Icahn and his affiliates renegotiated their multi-year loan with bank lenders, extending t…
Carl Icahn''s Strategic Acquisition in Icahn Enterprises LP
Carl Icahn''s Icahn Enterprises owns 15% of Southwest Gas. Is that enough to make it worth adding to your portfolio?
If you like to track Wall Street titans, you''ll want to consider Berkshire Hathaway and Icahn Enterprises. Choose wisely!