Current Value of Holding

$214 Million


34.7 Million

% of Portfolio


Average Buy Price


Avg closing price
Price range

3 Carl Icahn Bausch Health Companies Trades

Carl Icahn acquired 34.7 Million Bausch Health Companies shares worth $214 Million. That's 2.67% of their equity portfolio (7th largest holding). The investor owns 9.44% of the outstanding Bausch Health Companies stock. Carl Icahn acquired their 34.7 Million shares between 2020 and 2021. So far they never sold any shares in the company. The investor's estimated purchase price is $963 Million, resulting in a loss of 78%.

Avg closing price
Price range
Increased shares by 1.8% (+612 Thousand shares) Q4 2021
Avg closing price $26.77
Price range $23.00 - $29.01
Increased shares by 577.7% (+29.1 Million shares) Q1 2021
Avg closing price $29.33
Price range $21.37 - $34.38
New holding (+5.03 Million shares) Q4 2020
Avg closing price $18.65
Price range $15.31 - $21.12

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