GAN Limited


Market Cap$61.73M

Compare to Similar Companies

P/E RatioDividendsReturn on EquityPrice-to-SalesDebt-to-Equity
GAN LimitedGAN Limited00%---

Share Statistics

Market cap$61.73 Million
Enterprise Value-
Dividend Yield$0.0 (0.0%)
Earnings per Share$0.0
Outstanding Shares45,390,307
Avg 30 Day Volume105,396


Return on Equity-
Return on Assets-
Return on Invested Capital-

Valuation & Multiples

P/E Ratio0.0
Price to Sales-
Price to Book Ratio-
Enterprise Value to Revenue-
Enterprise Value to EBIT-
Enterprise Value to Net Income-
Total Debt to Enterprise-
Debt to Equity-

Revenue Sources

No data

Insider Trades

ESG Score

No data

About GAN Limited

GAN is a leading business-to-business supplier of internet gambling software-as-a-service solutions predominantly to the U.S. land-based casino industry. GAN has developed a proprietary internet gambling enterprise software system, GameS...